MLS Laser Therapy
When a physical condition or injury affects mobility or quality of life, there is one goal: A rapid return to every-day activities.
MLS Laser Therapy is an advanced laser technology that works to eliminate pain and reduce inflammation in the body in a safe, painless, and non-invasive way. This therapy utilizes dual wavelengths of infrared light to penetrate deep into the tissue and stimulate regeneration at the cellular level.
There are no known side-effects!
Laser therapy is cleared by the FDA and is safe and effective.
Conditions For Treatment
Benefits of MLS Laser Therapy:
Quick Recovery of:
Why choose MLS Laser Therapy?
Will the treatment hurt?
How long does a typical treatment session take?
How many treatments does it take?
How long before results are felt?
Are the results long lasting?
Can it be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment?
New Patients
If you are interested in becoming a new patient, fill out the form below and one of our doctors will call you directly at the earliest convenience to discuss your problem and help determine if you are a candidate for treatment in our clinic.
If you are not needing to talk with a doctor prior to your visit, please select the appropriate option below and one of our staff will call to schedule you as soon as possible.